It would seem that well after Hudson's resignation as Mayor of Wilmer, he is still attempting to portray City Secretary Crystol Birdwell in a negative light, forgetting that he lives in his own glass house as we have stated before. Click here to see the Dallas Morning News article dated October 4, 2008.
Former Mayor and Palmer resident Don Hudson stated in that same Dallas Morning News article that "there were checks rang(ing) from $12 from vendors to $12,000 in sales tax payments from the state" contained in one of seven boxes of unopened mail. WHAT?
Let's be clear! Sales tax payments from the Texas State Comptroller's Office for the City of Wilmer are received electronically from the state of Texas and are direct deposited directly into the General Funds account for the City of Wilmer without going through employee hands. The "checks" Hudson was referring to were the auto-generated statements of deposit from the state notifying the City of Wilmer what had been sent. City Secretary Crystol Birdwell pulled the deposit information off of the bank's online statements relieving her of the need to wait for those statements to come by mail so that she would be sooner prepared for the receiving of those monies. The statements were set aside for filing purposes only.
Hudson knew this! Hudson lied! Why?
Hudson can't say he was given erroneous information by interim city secretary Alice Holloway, because he knew the truth and would have stopped the pouring of that erroneous information before it got to the reporter.
Is he being paid for his lies to help sink Birdwell so that new Mayor Matias Leal can set up Wilmer with his own staff of friends, family and voting supporters? I am just wondering when these "deals" will stop. Does Hudson not realize that people are trying to help him by stopping the bad publicity and he keeps stirring a pot he filled with poison?
Outspoken resident and Don Hudson supporter John Eggen hit the nail on the head when he was quoted as saying, "The council keeps this turmoil going, and that contributes to voter apathy, the voters are tired of all the fighting." The Council!
What do you think? Agree? Disagree? We want to know.
Former Mayor and Palmer resident Don Hudson stated in that same Dallas Morning News article that "there were checks rang(ing) from $12 from vendors to $12,000 in sales tax payments from the state" contained in one of seven boxes of unopened mail. WHAT?
Let's be clear! Sales tax payments from the Texas State Comptroller's Office for the City of Wilmer are received electronically from the state of Texas and are direct deposited directly into the General Funds account for the City of Wilmer without going through employee hands. The "checks" Hudson was referring to were the auto-generated statements of deposit from the state notifying the City of Wilmer what had been sent. City Secretary Crystol Birdwell pulled the deposit information off of the bank's online statements relieving her of the need to wait for those statements to come by mail so that she would be sooner prepared for the receiving of those monies. The statements were set aside for filing purposes only.
Hudson knew this! Hudson lied! Why?
Hudson can't say he was given erroneous information by interim city secretary Alice Holloway, because he knew the truth and would have stopped the pouring of that erroneous information before it got to the reporter.
Is he being paid for his lies to help sink Birdwell so that new Mayor Matias Leal can set up Wilmer with his own staff of friends, family and voting supporters? I am just wondering when these "deals" will stop. Does Hudson not realize that people are trying to help him by stopping the bad publicity and he keeps stirring a pot he filled with poison?
Outspoken resident and Don Hudson supporter John Eggen hit the nail on the head when he was quoted as saying, "The council keeps this turmoil going, and that contributes to voter apathy, the voters are tired of all the fighting." The Council!
What do you think? Agree? Disagree? We want to know.
Some people just do not know when to stop digging even when they find themselves in a deep hole. People that live in glass houses should not throw stones. Wilmer needs someone that cares about Wilmer.
Yes they really do. Problem is, they have has several and fired them all, most without reason. I think they love turmoil more. Keeps them in the pedestal as "fixers".
Mr. Leal needs to read "Traps for the Unwary" and "Nepotism Laws Made Easy" and "Conflict of Interest Made Easy" (It wouldn't hurt Ms. Lange to read the latter as well). These are online from the OAG (Office of the Attorney General).
IN FACT, THE CITIZENS OF WILMER NEED TO READ THE ENTIRE "MADE EASY" SERIES OF OAG DOCUMENTS. And, after the last City Council Meeting the Attorney that was there needs to read them again. In a City where the Council/Aldermen are all elected "at large" the Mayor Pro-Tem CANNOT VOTE.
Why would they do that. They don't want to know they are breaking the law. They want to just keep doing it.
Without pointing fingers, I agree in part with anonymous #3. Here is where we are in agreement:
If you are interested in open meetings, everything on the table, open discussions, fair and good government then get the Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act and the suggested Made Easy Manuals so that, as informed citizens, you at the very minimum KNOW when the rules are broken. The open microphone should be re-instated for no more that 10 to 15 minutes, each council meeting so that the Council knows where you stand on the issues before them.
When you just "feel like the rules have been broken" you need to know that FEELING doesn't really count for much unless it is backed up with KNOWING and that is reinforced with PROOF.
And, quite frankly, I don't think that a blood relative of any Council Person/Mayor should work in the Administrative Offices. There should be a clear cut division between the two...If you are a relative you can be for or against your blood-kin with equal passion.
If everything is on the up and up, you don't need city paid spies/censors/relatives in the Administration Offices. The Staff should be loyal to the Elected officials as long as they are operating under the Rules established by the State of Texas.
I think Crystol is a lovely person, but that has nothing to do with how she performs her job. There were allocations before with Mayor Root that Crystol did not perform her job adaquately, i.e. unopened mail, late or payments never made. Don knew this when as a council member, he voted to reinstate Crystol. He knew what he was getting. So the question is, why did he vote for her reinstatement?
This is for Crystol, if everything in the paper was a lie , why dont you file on who every said it. But you cant, can you ? Its not a lie. All employees know you did not pay their retirement, I went on line to check mine and even ask you about it. You sat there and lied to me about it. Alice has showed me the checks, you just didnt do your job. You deserved to be fired. I am glad the council put you out of Wilmer. Even Bud said that. You need to find you a job waiting tables at some hash house. Maybe you could handle that, however, I do have my doubts. AS for Bobbie Jo City Hall was just a place to meet other men. Why do you think she was so pissed off when Earnie got fired. Its time you were held accountable for your job performance. Quit trying to blame everybody else for your poor quality of work. I was told that the council was going to a very deep audit on all records. If I were you that would scare the hell out of me. You always said that you were a para leagel, why dont you try and get a job at some attorneys office, but that is a lie too. Most of the employees are glad your gome. I hope it remains that way.
I think you need an anger management class. Alice couldn't show you where her head was located much less show you a check that doesn't exist. Even if there was a check what's Alice still doing sitting on it? Hasn't Crystol been gone for over a month. Maybe it's been stuck up Alice's rear. Who care's what Bud says. OOOh the water department boy said he's glad ooooh. As far as Bobbie Jo who cares if she dated someone from the city, I think you got the man wrong though. I think someone's taking this all a little too personal.
Not worth comment. You are right, Anonymous 10/06/08 at 8pm needs an Anger Management course for sure. That much anger is not worth even responding to.
What's a hash house? Is that kinda like Waffle House? They have hashbrowns there. I love waffle house.
And, really, who gives a sh!t what Bud says. Trust me, the City of Wilmer is not a typical place for Bobbie Jo to meet men, pshhh, pleeease. To even IMPLY that Bobbie Jo + ERNIE = good times made me laugh so hard that I almost peed my pants! Ernie was not fired for a legitimate reason, and anybody who knows anything, knows that Bobbie Jo and Crystol go to bat for employees wrongfully terminated...ummm...resigned. After reading your comment, I see what kind of people are still working for the city...sheesh.
I feel sorry for the ones that are left to wrok with you. Grow up and get a REAL job.
That seems to be you answer to everything. Everybody crazy but you. Do you know how stupid you really are. You cannot win this battle on this blog, your going to have to have a public hearing. Only then will the people really see who is telling the truth and who is lieing. Any normal person would be getting on with their life, but you cant, Wilmer is the only place you can hold a job, and only then if Wickliffe is in office. Trusted ones, my foot we trusted you to pay our retirement and you couldnt even do that. AS I said earlier Wilmer is so much better off without you and Bobby Jo. My last question to you is this, if you have such a good case why dont you file this case in court? I will answer that question for you, your the the one telling the lies not Hudson or the council. You want to come back before they can get the audit started. Your afraid you will bw arrested and charged
I always thought that you had to do something illegal to get arrested?! BRING ON THE AUDIT! I sure hope they pull Hudson's Service Company in the audit. Or how about how the City was forced to furnish gas for the senior bus for a funeral for a council member's mother's passing. This list could go on and on and on...By the way, what makes you think all of this is NOT being filed in court?
On a slightly different track - it seems that it only took a few days for Hudson content to become a hot topic again here after removing it from the blog. Keep the pressure on - don't relent and try to keep your content online. Sometimes it may not look so great in hindsight but at least you're "on the record".
Oh my Goodness...this place is a mess. Nobody charged anything illegal on the Home Depot card (or Lowes). Also, anything that has to do with a City government is a matter of public record, so if you want to see any or all charges for any city account, all you have to do is ask, I'm sure the interim City Secretary would be happy to oblige :)
You should take care of your own glass house before you cast rumor stones. I'll say a prayer for your angry soul. God Bless you.
A "deep audit" would be great. Looking forward to it!!
Be careful what you wish for - just remember that a "deep audit" will find all the secrets, not just the ones you are spewing about. It will also find the lies being told about good employees too. Remember that the last time they did this, it proved that there was NO MISSING MONEY.
Let's party!
When was the last time they had an audit? Never... The council approved the money for an audit then Hudson voted to retract it. NEVER HAPPENED.So lets see it this all talk (again) about having an audit. I think, I'll go with "They Don't".
An audit is conducted every year. The year in question, the year that Hudson brought back Birdwell, was the year that same professional auditor stood up in a public forum, a regularly posted City Council Meeting and stated "There is no missing money."
That is the fact. That is on tape. It happened!
Now, if you want more, then start fresh with something like "we need another audit".
BTW - we have audits once a year every year. Get over it.
You are missing the point. They are calling for a special audit. Most of us know that the city has a yearly audit. They are talking about one that is going to look into specific areas. During a yearly audit, this is not done. It is said that they will hire someone from the outside to perform it. Why so nasty? Did this info hit a nerve? Doesn't matter much to me, just passing along info...Won't matter much to the citizens either, we'll still pay our taxes and the city will continue to spend it. Sounds like the council just wants to put more umph in their charges against the ex-city sec.
How can they possibly spend tens of thousands of dollars conducting an audit outside of the normal yearly audit, and expect it to turn up new details into city official corruption when the Interim City Secretary, the Mayor and the COuncilmembers had a document shredding party at City Hall after business hours and immediately prior to the Mayor resigning?
What makes you think the former City Secretary who has been through countless audits unscathed, would be the issue with all that going on?
Wake up.
BTW - no nerve hit here, outside of the nerve that says, "DING DING DING...Bulls**t detector...bulls**t detector".
I have heard many rumors all saying that Matias Leal's Sister in Law is the new City Administrator. He is going around saying that it is his God Son's mother, but we are learning that it is probale that the employee/God Son is actually a nephew. Anyone know for sure?
Please help stop this mess!!!
ok this article is getting old. is there anything else that we the people of wilmer need to know?
Last night was council meeting we would all like to know what happend. Did Ms. Crystol get to keep her job? Come on tell us.
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